Toronto Persian Wedding Videographer at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club
For us here at SDE Weddings®, Toronto’s premier wedding videography, cinematography and photo-booth group, a beautiful wedding day captured in film is worth every bit of effort and artistry taken to create a lasting and memorable masterpiece. For our videographers and cinematographers, it is the loving smile shared between husband and wife that makes for perfect memories, a timeless treasure to share with family and friends, and a timepiece to commemorate one of life’s most beautiful moments. And this and many more beautiful moments is what our videographers and cinematographers had aimed to perfectly capture and convey on film during one of our most splendid weddings to date, working with Setareh & Poria, a young Persian couple, on their wonderful summer wedding day just last year under a spotless sky on July 30th, 2016 in an impeccable celebration taking place in Toronto’s very own Centre Island, with a lovely reception held at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. One of the handful of times our videographers and cinematographers had filmed at Centre Island, and an absolute pleasure working at the historical Royal Canadian Yacht Club, combined with a gorgeously blue summer sky and the ebb and flow of Toronto’s famous harbourfront, Setareh & Poria’s wedding day was an altogether captivating experience from beginning to end. So join us as we revisit the many splendid wedding day scenes our videographers and cinematographers had filmed for Setareh & Poria’s unforgettable wedding day, and witness just how beautiful a summer day can be for a couple in love.