Toronto Shangri-La Hotel Wedding Videography
For us here at SDE Weddings, Toronto’s premier wedding videography, cinematography and photo-booth rental group, it’s always a pleasure to see a truly shining couple brought together by a shared tradition, shared culture, shared interests and – most importantly – a shared smile. That’s why for our videographers and cinematographers, the ecstatic moments of joy reflected in a brilliant smile on the faces of both bride and groom are some of the most special scenes we at SDE Weddings are most proud of capturing. So it’s no surprise that in our work with Cynthia & Mike on their wonderful wedding day just this past August 8th, 2015 at Toronto’s luxurious Shangri-La hotel, our videographers and cinematographers couldn’t help but be drawn in to every special moment of such a splendid day, and the sequence of smiles that led us through the magical day from start to finish. Cynthia & Mike, a perfect match sharing photogenic smiles, were an absolute pleasure for our videographers and cinematographers to work with. And it was quite lucky for us that we would double the laughter and the smiles for Cynthia & Mike’s wedding day as our videographers and cinematographers also had the pleasure and utmost privilege of hosting our very own photo-booth service for the bride and groom and their wedding guests. With a grin from ear to ear, and all the happiness reflected through every frame, Cynthia & Mike’s special day was undoubtedly one of our most favored weddings of the past year alone. So join us as we look back on Cynthia & Mike’s wonderful wedding day, and maybe you’ll see why a sincere smile is truly contagious!