Surprise Wedding at Beamsville
Life truly is full of surprises. Such a mantra has become a running theme for us here at SDE Weddings, Toronto’s premier wedding videography, cinematography and photobooth group. And in no other wedding have we witnessed ‘surprise’ on a grander scale as was our experience with Ellie & Matt, on their surprise wedding which took place this previous Autumn season, on a memorable October 18th, 2014 in Beamsville, Ontario. Ellie & Matt, a couple with a creative streak in their senses, had planned out an elusive surprise for their aptly prepared DIY-themed wedding day, to the delight of our videographers and cinematographers, whose lenses were present to capture every moment of suspense from their guests. Indeed, Ellie & Matt’s wedding day – from filming, preparation and editing – was one of the most creative projects our videographers and cinematographers have come across. Between filming an early morning time-lapse which outlines the events of the day, to the intricacies of how the couples’ -surprise- wedding would unfold, to the overall DIY aesthetic of their wedding, Ellie & Matt’s penchant for craftiness and creativity stood out to our videographers and cinematographers as something we rarely encounter, and something truly worthy of praise. Scroll further and be ‘surprised’ at just how perfect Ellie & Matt’s surprise wedding had turned out, and the many surprises which we encountered on such an unforgettable wedding day.
Ellie & Matt, who had been engaged on February 4th, 2014 – just a few months before, had kept the fact a secret, one out of many, in planning for the surprise wedding. Incidentally, October 18th was Matt’s big three-oh, his 30th birthday. One take-away lesson we’ve found was that a youthful sense of mischief never truly leaves with age, as the big ‘surprise’ for the day would have us discover. Ellie had craftily set everything up so that the couples’ friends and family had the impression that they would be throwing a surprise birthday party for Matt. Little did they know that the trickery would be two-fold, as the punchline which Ellie & Matt had spelt out for their closest friends was an invitation to be the bridesmaids and groomsmen for their surprise wedding. An unparalleled experience for our videographers and cinematographers, and undoubtedly the first, our cameras had been rolling to capture – one by one – the reactions from Ellie & Matt’s friends as they learned the big news, and swore a vow of secrecy to the surprise till that evening, where the piece-de-resistance of the ruse would be unfolded.
Given the October setting of Ellie & Matt’s surprise wedding, the couple, alongside their friends and family, had chosen an autumn theme for their wedding – perfect for our videographers and cinematographers, and perfect for a day where Ellie & Matt would ‘turn over a new leaf’. From pumpkins to candy corn, and every shade of autumn orange in between, Ellie & Matt’s event hall ended up looking as charming as ever for the big moment. The penultimate moment captured by our videographers and cinematographers was what stood out for us, where Matt had entered all ‘surprised’ by the surprise party, and introduced his “boss” to give a spiel about Matt’s work. Turns out it was the reverend, and Ellie & Matt were to be wed right then and there! Needless to say, the crowd’s bemusement at the tables turning at them turned quickly to happiness for the couple in a celebration of their union in marriage. Our videographers and cinematographers had filmed Ellie & Matt’s guests earlier on for their own ‘happy birthday’ messages to Matt, and the contrast to their reaction to the real news afterwards is truly priceless.
As it was, Ellie & Matt’s life together began just as extravagantly – with a surprise. In a new years party, as the clock had only moments to count down to, Ellie, who hadn’t met Matt before, had tapped him on the shoulder and asked if he’d had anyone to kiss for the midnight moment. Soon enough, the two – thrown together by fate – would find themselves in the very same embrace on their wedding day. And in a moment that truly brought out the best in what our videographers and cinematographers could capture, the scene of Ellie & Matt’s first dance was a touching memory forever immortalised in film. In the end, working with Ellie & Matt was undoubtedly a unique experience, and one that we here at SDE Weddings, Toronto’s premier wedding videography, cinematography and photobooth group, will never forget. We wish Ellie & Matt the very best in their new lives together, and hope that their days would always remain ever full of life’s surprises.
Venue Location: Lincoln Community Centre | 4361 Central Avenue, Beamsville, Ontario L0R 1B0