Milton Banquet and Conference Centre Same Day Edit Wedding Video
For us here at SDE Weddings®, Toronto’s top wedding videography, cinematography and photo booth rental company, the tying-up of a love story spanning several years unfolding in front of our cameras is something we’re rarely witnessed to. So for our videographers and cinematographers, it was a truly special occasion to have played a part in the love story that is Bryan & Janet’s proposal and wedding day. Having met the young couple well-over two years ago, our videographers and cinematographers had the utmost pleasure in filming their very special wedding proposal surprise video on March 8th, 2015 in a gorgeous winter get-away proposal video during Janet’s birthday, caught candidly by our videographers and cinematographers at Ancaster’s beautiful Ancaster Mill, among our most favoured venues. In a perfect scene facing a glittering winter-season waterfall, Bryan & Janet came together on that day two years ago to create a memory that’s been frozen in time, and immortalized film by our videographers and cinematographers. So it’s no surprise for us that Bryan & Janet have fulfilled their promises to each other two years down the road, in an absolutely perfect wedding day ceremony and celebration just this past September 30th, 2017 with an ultimately uplifting wedding ceremony held at Mississauga’s St. Francis Xavier Church and a commensurate celebration to close the evening at the Milton Banquet and Conference Centre. With our videographers and cinematographers on hand, Bryan & Janet had chosen to include a same-day-edit of their wedding day for featuring at their evening’s celebration; an honour for us here at SDE Weddings®, which truly speaks to our namesake. And altogether, Bryan & Janet’s time with us is irreplaceable, as an undeniably magical pair that provided an undeniably magical wedding day. So join us as we recall our truly special time with Bryan & Janet, a truly special couple, and witness just how magical a memory that’s been two years in the making had blossomed into being. [Watch Bryan & Janet’s wedding proposal here.]
Here is the same day edit wedding video that we made for Bryan & Janet’s wedding at the Milton Banquet and Conference Centre.
Our videographers and cinematographers began the big day for Bryan & Janet on a beautiful bright autumn morning, about a season’s skip from the wintry wedding proposal of two years prior. Watching eagerly as the bride and groom prepare resiliently for the life-changing day ahead. In a sequence of breathtaking scenes, we craft a narrative which began with Bryan & Janet each eagerly tailoring-up for the long-walk down the aisle to conclude a long-wait since their proposal. With lovely shots of the bride and groom surrounded by family and friends at the start of one of the most important days of their lives, the morning’s scenes were all-too-heartwarming, and a true pleasure to share through our videographers’ and cinematographers’ same-day-edit and highlight reel. With a lovely exchange of gifts, and a beautiful bride and groom in Bryan & Janet, we made our way to Mississauga’s St. Francis Xavier’s church to capture the ultimate memory of the day.
A favourite of our videographers and cinematographers, we had chosen to lovingly feature the church’s gorgeous modern stained-glass interior to set the tone for Bryan & Janet’s ceremony. With a beautiful wedding ceremony and our highlight of the day featuring the couple’s tearful exchange of vows interspersed with Janet’s walk down the aisle with her parents, and their truly touching first-kiss to the cheers and woos of the crowd, these few minutes would spell a lifetime for Bryan & Janet, and was wonderful beyond words for our videographers and cinematographers to film. And in a seamless transition, our videographers and cinematographers blend the beautiful ceremony’s conclusion to the newlywed couple’s outdoor celebration alongside their bridesmaids and groomsmen in a fun photo-shoot and filming session under a gorgeous parkland canopy. Laughter, smiles, and nothing but the utmost genuine happiness for Bryan & Janet, with every frame a beautiful memory to last a lifetime. Our videographers and cinematographers were extremely pleased with how the same-day-edit turned out, and rightly so! With the crowd cheering as our work was showcased in the reception and celebration ahead.
For the newlyweds’ unforgettable wedding day evening’s reception and celebration, Bryan & Janet had chosen the Milton Banquet and Conference Centre, among the finest venues our videographers and cinematographers had filmed at. In a grand entrance to an elegantly lit ballroom, Bryan & Janet announced their entrance in the grandest of fashion, with a litany of cheers and applause from their many varied guests, friends and family alike. The ballroom’s interior, a breathtaking open-concept design featuring mixed lighting schemes of ambient bulbs and exquisite chandeliers, was a novel sight for our videographers and cinematographers, and made for a beautiful scene for the couple’s entrance and the many evening memories ahead. With Bryan & Janet’s lively first dance, juxtaposed with a solemn slow serenade from the early evening reel, our videographers and cinematographers couldn’t help but put a perfect finishing touch to our highlight. And with the same-day-edit to wrap up Bryan & Janet’s unforgettable wedding day, the bridal party would continue in their unceasing celebration till well into the night.
So all in all, we here at SDE Weddings®, Toronto’s premier wedding videography, cinematography and photo booth rental company, wish Bryan & Janet all the very best in their lives together. We hope that our work with them, spanning all of two-years; from proposal-day planning to a wonderful wedding day, would leave an everlasting mark in these two lives truly touched by an irrevocable spark of love for one another. We’d like to thank Bryan & Janet for giving our videographers and cinematographers the honour of filming many of their most treasured life moments, and hope that our work with them will continue to serve as a treasure trove dedicated to the first day of the rest of their lives.
Wedding Ceremony: St. Francis Xavier Church | 5560 Mavis Rd, Mississauga
Wedding Reception: Milton Banquet and Conference Centre | 3090 Steels Ave W, Milton